76Area of ellipse (given major and minor axes)
77Major axis or transverse diameter of ellipse (given area and minor axis)
78Sum of interior angles of polygon (given number of sides)
79Number of sides of a simple closed polygon (given sum of internal angles)
80Median line length of trapezoid (given lengths of the parallel sides)
81Base of Trapezoid (given median line length and the other base)
82Interior angle of equilateral polygon (given number of edges)
83Length of internal common tangent of two circles (given distance between centers and radius)
84Exterior common tangent of two circles (given distance between centers and radius)
85Area of a convex quadrilateral (given diagonals and angle)
86Diagonal length of a convex quadrilateral (given area,angle and another diagonal)
87Area of Trapezoid (given lengths of parallel sides and height)
88Length of one parallel side of trapezoid (given area, base and height)
89Height of Trapezoidal (given area and lengths of parallel sides)
90Area of circle (given radius)
91Radius of circle (given area)
92Perimeter of circle (given radius)
93Radius of circle (given perimeter)
94Area of circular sector (given radius and angle)
95Radius of circular sector (given area and angle)
96Central angle of circular sector (given area and radius)
97Area of rhombus using trigonometry (given edge and angle)
98Area of triangle (given two sides and angle)
99Area of rhombus (given base and height)
100Perimeter of circular sector (given radius and central angle)